Content Marketing Plan for SubProfit Entrepreneurship Academy

Content Marketing Plan for SubProfit Entrepreneurship Academy


The goal of this content marketing plan is to boost brand awareness, engage the target audience, and increase conversions. This document outlines strategies, types of content, distribution channels, and metrics for evaluating success.


  1. Brand Awareness: Increase overall brand exposure by 30% within 6 months.
  2. Engagement: Achieve a 15% engagement rate on all social media platforms within 3 months.
  3. Conversion: Increase conversion rates to 5% within the next quarter.

Target Audience

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Aspiring Business Owners
  • Small Business Managers
  • Students interested in entrepreneurship

Content Themes

  1. Entrepreneurship Basics: For beginners looking to start their journey.
  2. Advanced Business Strategies: For established business people looking to scale.
  3. Success Stories: Highlighting successful entrepreneurs and dissecting their strategies.
  4. Skill Development: Soft skills, negotiation, leadership, etc.
  5. Trending Business Ideas: Staying ahead of the curve with business trends.

Types of Content

  1. Blog Posts: Weekly informative articles and how-tos.
  2. E-books & Guides: In-depth resources for download, aimed at capturing emails.
  3. Webinars: Monthly sessions on hot topics in entrepreneurship.
  4. Podcasts: Weekly interviews with successful entrepreneurs.
  5. Social Media Posts: Daily tips, tricks, and motivation.
  6. Video Content: Bi-weekly videos summarizing blog content, success stories, or interviews.

Distribution Channels

  1. Website/Blog
  2. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, X Twitter
  3. YouTube
  4. Email Newsletter
  5. Guest Posts on Entrepreneurial Blogs
  6. Podcast Platforms (Apple, Spotify, etc.)

Content Calendar

WeekBlog PostSocial MediaVideoPodcastWebinar
1How to Start a Business With Minimal Investment7 Tips for BeginnersInterview with [Guest]Introduction to EntrepreneurshipNone
25 Essential Skills Every Entrepreneur Must HaveSkill Development Tips5 Must-Have SkillsInterview with [Guest]Skill Development in Business

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  1. Traffic: Unique monthly visitors
  2. Engagement Rate: Likes, shares, comments per post
  3. Conversion Rate: % of users making a purchase or signing up
  4. Bounce Rate: % of users who navigate away after viewing one page
  5. Subscriber Growth: % increase in newsletter subscribers
  6. Customer Retention: % of returning customers


By focusing on creating value-packed, relevant content and distributing it through a targeted multi-channel approach, we aim to achieve the objectives of increased brand awareness, higher engagement, and better conversion rates. Periodic review of KPIs will be crucial for optimizing the strategy.