Hispack 2024

Hispack 2024. The most important meeting point in the packaging ecosystem in Southern Europe

Over 4 days, thousands of professionals and exhibitors from the packaging world make us their meeting point, a superb showcase to discover the solutions and trends that set the course for the industry.
Businesses and professionals from a wide range of industries come to unveil their latest products at an event that creates business opportunities, fosters new partnerships and is committed to know-how and innovation to promote packaging as a lever for sustainable growth.

More details: hispack.com

We invite you to read the report from the Hispack 2024 Fair in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

Representatives of DI-ZET had the opportunity to meet during the Hispack Fair with manufacturers of machines, packaging systems and packaging from Spain, Italy and China thanks to the invitation of Hispack and Amec .

Hispack 2024 Fair. DI-ZET Packaging Systems
Hispack 2024 Fair. DI-ZET Packaging Systems
Hispack 2024 Fair. DI-ZET Packaging Systems

More details: systempakowania.pl/targi-hispack-2024